Hospital Systems / IDNs
New Facility, Expansion,
Or A Remodel - CME Is
The Solution You Need
Lower your overall acquisition costs, streamline processes, consolidate vendors, and improve patient satisfaction in your facility and across your entire Integrated Delivery Network. Your dedicated resources are already spread thin from responding to the changing demands of the healthcare industry and the pressure to thrive. Let the CME team, along with our vast catalog of equipment, help your hospital succeed.
Not only are we a source for supply chain equipment, but when you buy from us, you have access to the CME Team. Your initial equipment purchase is only the beginning. Let our team be responsible for tracking items, receiving inventory, warehousing, staging, assembling, and delivering your order directly to your facilities and to the actual rooms.
Your resources and internal staff are already running at full speed, so our team will help them by offering one point of contact for all their needs. The CME team can handle all your supply chain requests by not only finding the right equipment, but also by keeping your projects organized, on time, and on budget.
Solutions For You
Cost Saving Analysis
We’re committed to finding the best products at the most competitive price, and we show you less-expensive comparable options too. Give up the hassle of juggling multiple purchase orders and vendors. Not only do we streamline your supply chain, but we’ll also take charge as the only point of contact your project will need.
Our CME360 platform consolidates the warehousing, staging, and assembly processes of your purchase. After assembly and inspection, a seamless direct-to-site delivery with white glove setup and installation is scheduled for your facility at the date and time of your convenience!
With proper calibrations, routine maintenance, and ensuring CMS compliance, we take complete care of equipment upkeep, allowing you to focus on patient care.
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