BSN Medical Gypsona S Fast Setting Plaster Bandages

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Features include: Fast immobilization of fractures, strong and durable construction, central plastic core preventing telescoping and improves the handling of the bandage.
As low as $33.46

BSN Medical Gypsona® S Fast Setting Plaster Bandages uses creamy plaster of Paris and plastic core bandages for ease of applications and a smooth finish. Plaster of Paris Casting Tape has been used for decades as an economical and reliable way to create orthopedic casts. Plaster Bandages are highly moldable, and have a nice, smooth finish.

Gypsona® S Plaster Bandages feature a plastic core, preventing telescoping and improving overall handling. Interlocking leno weave gauze adds stability. When activated with water, the gypsum plaster formula has a thick creamy texture that is pleasant and easy to mold. Set times are consistent, starting at 4 - 8 minutes after activation for the Fast Setting Bandages, and just 2 - 4 minutes for the Extra Fast Setting Bandages. The Plaster of Paris is formulated for strength, helping prevent cast breakdowns during the vulnerable curing phase.

Gypsona® S Plaster Casting Bandages are ideal for surgery facilities and orthopedic clinics. Gypsona® Plaster of Paris Bandages are sold by the box of 12 rolls in moisture resistant packaging.


  • Thick creamy texture
  • Resists breakdown during curing phase
  • Plastic core prevents telescoping and improves handling
  • Interlocked Leno weave gauze for stability
  • Latex Free
  • Quick wet out
  • Low plaster loss
  • Smooth finish
  • Available in Fast Setting and Extra Fast Setting formulas
  • Fast immobilization
  • Highly moldable
  • Available in a wide range of sizes
  • Available by the box of 12 in moisture resistant packaging
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